Personalised for LOCAL students.
Local student means; you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.
Personalised for INTERNATIONAL students.
International student means; you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.

Refmech - Construction Trades, Access & Support Scholarships

Status Application Dates Value


Up to $1,000


Refmech have kindly donated funding aimed to support access to study options in the construction trades industry.

The Refmech scholarships have been designed to break down the barriers to enrolment & study for students facing hardship.

The funding can be used for tuition fees, technology, tools of trade, uniforms or course equipment. The funding purpose is required to be outlined in the application.

Scholarship funding will be either (as requested):

  1. Paid directly to enrolment fees.
  2. Paid directly to the successful applicant as a personal cheque.


The Refmech - Construction Trades, Access & Support Scholarships scholarship are aimed at students enrolling in a Construction Trades course at Melbourne Polytechnic in 2024 (short courses ineligible).


  • Heidelberg & Epping.

Number of Scholarships Available

Up to 5 scholarships are available.

Eligibility Criteria

Students enrolling in a Construction Trades course at Melbourne Polytechnic in 2024 (short courses ineligible).

Selection Criteria

  1. Outline your background and personal circumstances, including why you require financial assistance to commence study or continue study at Melbourne Polytechnic?
  2. What specifically do you require financial assistance with? Eg, tuition, materials, tools of trade, uniforms, exam fees, technology etc. Please provide details, quote or documentation.
  3. Describe what this scholarship would mean to you.
  4. Provide proof or enrolment or enrolment status if enrolment status is pending.
  5. Add any extra documentation to support the eligibility criteria.

Application Instructions

  • Fill in the application form.
  • OPTIONAL: Video file or audio file (please complete the personal information page of the application form if addressing selection criteria in video or audio format).
  • Provide additional supporting documentation.
  • Contact for more information.





Refmech - Specialists in air-conditioning and refrigeration