If you have come to Australia recently or if you find English difficult, our courses can help you with the skills you need to live and work comfortably in Australia.
Our EAL department delivers English language courses through the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) and the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program.
Melbourne Polytechnic will to help you be your best and feel comfortable in the community with our EAL courses. We want you to be confident with your English, so you can make informed choices when finding work or moving onto further study.
You’ll learn about reading, writing and speaking English, computing, internet and email, Australian culture and history, Australian government and law, communicating health and medical information and how to access community services. We have EAL courses for all levels of English, whether you speak no English at all or want to improve your English for further study or business.
Have a chat with our highly experienced course advisors who can help you navigate your many career options.