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Prestigious award for visual arts teacher Con Emmanuelle

Con standing with his award
Con Emmanuelle with his award for community work and ongoing cultural heritage project

Visual Arts teacher Con Emmanuelle has been presented with a special award directly from the President of Cyprus

The award is in recognition for his community work and his ongoing cultural heritage project and ethnographic fieldwork titled ‘Tales of Cyprus’.

The award was presented by the Cyprus Presidential Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs and Overseas Cypriots, Mr Photis Photiou in the presence of the Her Excellency Martha Mavrommati, High Commissioner of Cyprus.

A Tribute to Cypriot Heritage and Ancestry

Con’s book ‘Tales of Cyprus’ was launched in December 2018, to great acclaim from the Cypriot community around Australia and around the world. The book is a tribute to a bygone era and was written, designed and self-published by Con Emmanuelle and is a personal and heartfelt dedication to his cultural heritage, his ancestral homeland and his parent’s and grandparent’s generation.

The book contains the living memories and life stories of over forty elderly Cypriots who were born and lived in Cyprus during the first half of the 20th century and who for various reasons decided to migrate to other parts of the world, such as Australia after the Second World War. Con has spent seven years interviewing and documenting the living memories of elderly Cypriots from the Cypriot diaspora in Australia and other parts of the world. The book, written in English is therefore a recollection of a way of life that has all but disappeared.

Beautifully designed with a hardbound cover and containing over 400 vintage photos, this book is a must for lovers of culture and history as well as scholars who are interested in pre1950’s Cyprus or anyone wishing to celebrate a most remarkable generation. For more information about the project ‘Tales of Cyprus’ and for more information on Con's book please visit: