Personalised for LOCAL students.
Local student means; you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.
Personalised for INTERNATIONAL students.
International student means; you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.

TAFE or University? Which is your best option?

Wednesday 3rd July

Come and join our Career Counsellor who will be discussing the opportunities that TAFE brings when completing a course.
Skills and Jobs Centre Default image
Skills and Jobs Centre Default image

About this Event

TAFE provides a range of educational opportunities that are both practical and theoretical, giving students the chance to develop their skills and knowledge in their chosen field.

One of the main benefits of TAFE is that it provides a pathway to employment. TAFE courses are specifically designed to meet the needs of industry and to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to enter the workforce. This means that TAFE graduates are highly employable and in demand by employers.

This workshop will discuss the benefits of studying at TAFE.

Make a booking for this workshop on the Skills and Jobs Centre booking page.