Personalised for LOCAL students.
Local student means; you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.
Personalised for INTERNATIONAL students.
International student means; you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.

Allianz Partners help students navigate a challenging time

International students in Melbourne Polytechnic t-shirts standing with arms around each other's shoulders
Melbourne Polytechnic International Student Association

Allianz Partners has come to the aid of international students who are navigating their time in Melbourne through the pandemic.

Allianz Partners are providing sponsorship that covers an International Student Mental Health & Wellness Initiative Fund which covers Mental Health First Aid training for 35 students, and will provide paid casual employment to five international students as health and wellness ambassadors for Career Ready and Wellness programs.

An additional fund has been set up to provide essential grocery support for students who are facing hardship.

Recognising international students are facing unique challenges during this pandemic with some students having lost their source of income, some face losing essential supplies, and in some cases even housing security. Many international students are not eligible for continuous government assistance, and many families are unable to receive funds due to worsening situations in their home countries.

Allianz Partners has provided support through $10,000 Woolworth gift vouchers and hardship living expenses for international students currently facing adversity as a result of the pandemic. A further $30,000 has been provided to support international students through mental health initiatives and $10,000 student struggling to access ICT resources during these challenging times.

Leigh Sellers, Chief Sales Officer at Allianz Partners said “There are many international students who are isolated and now find themselves without employment. While our Health Cover products give students access to medical services, some students are struggling to get the basic essentials”. He continues, “Allianz Partners is pleased to work with Melbourne Polytechnic to broaden our support for International students by contributing $50,000 towards mental health support, ICT support and basics such as groceries, in these challenging times.”

Cathy Frazer, Executive Director of Student Experience says ‘the financial and emotional impact of the pandemic on international students has been immense. Students are worried about their families in their home countries, as well as grappling with loss of earnings and feelings of isolation. With the support of Allianz Partners, we have been able to provide some financial relief, and access to mental health support and someone to talk to.’

Some international students have overcome huge adversity to be able to get to Melbourne Polytechnic and study a program that will set them up for life either here or in their home country. Having access to mental health services and support will help them navigate this tricky time.

Chewy Fang from Student Life and Media says ‘the generous support from Allianz Partners will help our international students continue their studies as best as they can during these challenging times.  The vouchers will certainly provide much-needed relief for students struggling to put the next meal on their plate.

Despite the ever-changing news we see unfolding each day, we also see a strengthening of our community spirit. Allianz Partners recognise the challenges our international students face and have embodied this spirit through the international student initiative.

Melbourne Polytechnic, and in particular our international students would like to thank Allianz Partners for their continued support.