Personalised for LOCAL students.
Local student means; you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.
Personalised for INTERNATIONAL students.
International student means; you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.
A person at a desk using a computer with coloured pencils and plans next to them

Creative Product Development Folio Presentation Advice

In the interview you will need to present a folio of work.

This should include a minimum of 10 pieces, illustrating a range of approaches and mediums. Your folio needs to demonstrate ideas, skill and evidence of artistic ability as well as a potential for growth in the chosen field.

Here are a few tips…

  • Organise your work into a flat folio. Do not bring things rolled up and ensure all work is dry and pastel/charcoal works are ‘fixed’.  If you have work that is too large to transport bring in photographs with the dimensions labelled on the back.  Separate the work into categories so it is easy to view.
  • Digital folios are also acceptable.  You might choose to present your folio in a digital format.  If you are doing this it is recommended that you bring it preloaded onto your own device.
  • When you arrive for the interview you will be met by the ‘check in staff’ who will note your attendance and inform the interview panel.  It is a good idea to arrive earlier than your time so you can relax beforehand.
  • In the interview one or two people will look at your folio and ask questions about the technical and conceptual aspects of your work. You may be asked about recent exhibitions you have seen, your favourite artists, who you have spoken to about the industry you want to work in, and what your plans are upon completion of the course. The interview staff  are very approachable and understand that you may be nervous.  They are interested in seeing your work and in answering any questions you might have about the course.
  • We are looking for candidates who demonstrate a commitment and enthusiasm for the arts and their chosen course area.  Motivation and dedication are regarded highly.

If you have any further questions after the interview, please call the Visual Arts Department on 03 9269 1623 or 03 9269 1551 and we will be happy to answer your inquiry.

Good Luck!

Visit the Preston Campus page for travel info or call 03 9269 1623.

Look forward to meeting you!