Make a Suggestion

Do you have a suggestion on how we can improve things at Melbourne Polytechnic?

Do you have an idea you'd like to share with us?

We're always looking for better ways to do things, so please complete the form below.
Please note: A suggestion can be submitted anonymously.

Your personal information will be used and stored in accordance with Melbourne Polytechnic Privacy Policies.

Fields marked with a star () are mandatory

Your Information

A suggestion can be submitted anonymously, so name and contact details are NOT mandatory. If you'd like a response regarding your suggestion you must provide your name and email address.

Your Suggestion

Please provide your suggestion with enough detail that we can explore and/or action your suggestion.

Add Attachments to support your suggestion. Max file size: 5MB

Response Requested

Would you like to receive a response regarding your feedback?
(If yes, you'll need to provide your name and email address above).

If you requested feedback, you will be contacted within 10 working days with an update of the progress of your suggestion.

Submit Suggestion

Once you've provided all the information related to your suggestion, please press the Submit button below.

If you provided your email address, once your suggestion has been submitted, you'll receive:

  • an email confirming submission of your feedback
  • a Feedback Number that you can use to follow up on your suggestion

Need help?

If you need help completing this form or would like to fill in a paper based form please contact Student Services on 9269 1314 or email

Please visit the Feedback and Complaints page for more information about the student complaints policy and processes.

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